If you have ANY questions about this crate or are unsure of what certain things do then either
1. Look inside our minecraft server
2. Create a ticket on our official discord server
King Helmet - Aqua Affinity V, Blast Prot V, Fire Prot V, Mending V, Projectile Prot V, Respiration V, Unbreaking V
King Chestplate - Blast Prot V, Fire Prot V, Mending V, Projectile Prot V, Prot V, UnbreakingV
King Leggings - Blast Prot V, Fire Prot V, Mending V, Projectile Prot V, Prot V, Swift Sneak V, Unbreaking V
King Boots - Blat Prot V, Depth Strider V, Feather Falling V, Fire Prot V, Mending V, Projectile Prot V, Soul Speed V, Unbreaking V
King Sword - Bane of Arthropods X, Fire Aspect X, Looting X, Mending, Sharpness 20, Smite x, Sweeping Edge X, Unbreaking X
King Pickaxe - Efficiency X, Fortune V, Mending, Unbreaking V
King Axe - Efficiency VI, Fortune V, Mending, Sharpness VI, Unbreaking V
Wooden SwordII - Sharpness 50
OP Stick LOL - Fire Aspect X, Knockback V, Sharpness 40, Smite V, Sweeping Edge V
OP Turtle Helm - Aqua Affinity X, Curse of Binding, Mending, Prot 50, Respiration X, Curse of Vanishing
OP Leather Chestplate - Curse of Binding, Mending, Prot 50, Unbreaking V, Curse of Vanishing
2x Loot Booster
2x Speed Booster
5x Loot Booster
5x Speed Booster
7 Day Rank Voucher: IMMORTAL
7 Day Rank Voucher: MASTER
7 Day Rank Voucher: CRYPTICc
7 Day Rank Voucher: KNIGHT
7 Day Rank Voucher: ROYAL
64 Enchanted Golden Apples
64 Iron Golem Spawners
64 Creeper Spawners
64 Skeleton Spawners
64 Spider Spawners
64 Zombie Spawners
24 Squid Spawners
48 Dragon Keys
48 Regal Keys
5 Winter Keys
64 Wither Skeleton Skulls
32 Heart Capsules